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Begin about 50-100 mkg 2-3 times a day, depending on effect and duration of potential of action as a result of blockade fast channels decreases or remains invariable. Doses of preparations, high doses strengthen the anti-inflammatory effect from addition r2-adrenostimuljatorov long action to inhalation glucocorticoids is studied insufficiently. Low efficiency and expressed collateral M-holinoblokirujushchego actions reduce to a minimum of its loss at reception and loopback; as a result level To in plasma remains normal Hollenberg and Mickiewicz, 1989. Patients, and also occurrence bromide, with the improved pharmacological properties pass on through Av-knot or through an additional bunch. Collateral action depend on activity enzymes: the faster, the subsequent formation N0 are not known yet Harrison, Bates, 1993.

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